This page is a host for some random musings which are now commonly categorised as 'blogs'. I don't pretend to know that that means, yet here we are

There and Back Again
It has been more than a year since I last wrote and published an article on my website. Due to the pandemic, I chose to become an essential worker at a local food coop, and it became my full-time job. Despite the difficulties at work, which are ongoing, I was
When the Future Becomes the Past
The late British musician, David Bowie, was famous for his affinity with ‘Japanese culture’. He owned at one point a small home outside Japan’s former capital, Kyoto, and liked to spend time there whenever he needed some distance from his public persona. Whilst it is easy for us to
Another Year, Another Project
Another year has passed. The year 2023 began promising for a steady stream of writing, both creative and critical, throughout the year. Whilst the creative one had seen some measurable progress, critical writing ceased after the publication of my first, and what was going to be the only, article for